Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Alkaline Diet
Why the Alkaline Diet? My mother-in-law gave me a book that she received at a spa in Mexico title "Alkaline or Die", sounds scary right? It's based on the principle that we put a bunch of garbage in our bodies causing them to be too acidic which in turn causes every health problem that you can imagine. The theory sounds crazy but at the time that she gave me the book I was willing to do anything. I'm not sure if it was the diet or if I was just getting better, but for the month while I was following the guidelines in the book, I felt great. Almost 100% better. Since I have been off of it I have slowly deteriorated. It could be a coincidence or maybe there is some merit to Dr. Baroody's theory. Either way I feel that I should at least give it another shot. The problem is that you should basically only eat fruits and vegetables and the more raw that you eat the better. I have no problem eating like this in the Spring and Summer when it is warm, sunny, and I am generally happier. When the weather and time changes all I want to do is sleep and eat fatty, carb-rich foods.
My plan is to not go too extreme in following the diet but to simple do the best that I can. I can do most of the day raw and then I will stick to Amy's Organic soups, rice and veggies, some other veggie treats, and whole wheat noodles (fruit can only be eaten on an empty stomach 30-45 minutes away from other food). Our budget is tight but I can add some juicing into the mix as well. Hopefully I can stick to it and it works!!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Paul & Monica's Wedding
My awesome hubby, mom & brother-in-laws
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Health Crisis: Still Sick and No Diagnosis
I haven't written anything in months because my muscles are literally too exhausted on a daily basis. They become weak at an alarmingly fast rate. By the end of the day I can barely walk because my leg muscles are so weak. Sometimes my arms are so tired that washing my hands takes too much effort. Who knew you even used muscles when you washed your hands? One day at work I was stocking frames, and the act of holding frames for hours fatigued my hands for days. After that I broke things in the kitchen because I thought that I was soundly holding things when in fact, I wasn't. The worst is when I do too much overall and have to spend days in bed. I should clarify that when I say "do too much" I really mean that I am just trying to do normal daily activities like walking and driving. I have had some really bad spells where I have had to miss weeks of work (I previously have missed maybe 1 day a year) and luckily a few good days in a row before feeling bad again. I am so thankful for the good days, like today. I even had some great days with my family in Wildwood. On the rare "good" days I have to try and clean a few dishes, do some laundry, or any normal activity that I have been neglecting. Our house is a disaster right now, cleaning takes way too much effort. oh well!
Basically I just try to get through each day. Work is agony. I shuffle around trying to do as little as possible, which is still way too much. By the time I arrive home I crawl up the stairs and usually pass out on the bed in my pup's room/spare bedroom. I find that it is easier to wake up from nap on that bed. After I nap for an hour or two I get ready for the next day and spend some time with my poor neglected hubby while resting on the couch.
Overall I look fine and to the majority of people I seem completely normal. I am determined to keep being my happy, laughing, and smiling self. I think because of my happy personality many people don't take seriously how bad I am feeling or how much pain I am in, but ultimately if I wasn't laughing I would be crying. Not to mention the fact that I always focus on the positive. Right now I am going through a rough patch but things are really not that bad. I have all my parts and most of them work at least some of the time which is way more than some people have. Plus, I have the best family and friends who have been so supportive and helpful.
So, what exactly is wrong with me? I have no idea! Tomorrow I may post my symptoms and a timeline of what has been happening. Currently, I am waiting on test results from the rheumatologist. I have an appointment on Tuesday and I will hopefully receive some answers. I have also been on steroids for a little over a week. At first they made me feel worse than ever. This might be because I was on such a low dose (5mg) and I felt like I had energy but in a few hours my muscles would just give up and my joints always hurt. Now, I actually think that they are working. I felt horrible on Wednesday, I actually thought that I was going to have to leave work early, but then I took my pill and felt immensely better a short time later. Today I had another good day. Maybe it's the steroids working. I have also been seeing an alternative type doctor and according to him I should be better by next week. Whatever the case may be I just want to get better and I am confident that this will happen!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I have never experienced anything like this before, even typing on the computer took too much effort. Luckily, I was able to read and I had some great can't-put-them-down page turners by Stieg Larsson. So that's what I did, read & slept, I couldn't even eat booo.
Needless to say, my training has been put on hold. I couldn't even get out of bed let alone run or even walk. I'm not sure how I'm going to progess through this. I was scheduled to do a 12 mile run saturday which obviously isn't happening. Maybe next saturday if I can get my short runs in. My fellow runners from runnersworld.com feel that my endurance will carry over. I sure hope so!
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Saturday, May 15, 2010
Nature Girl Runs on Dirt!
Time: 2:17:47
- ran on some dirt trails, peed in the woods, got a mosquito bite (on my butt), forded a river twice, tripped and rolled like a stunt man, and cut 10 minutes off of my last 10 mile time
This whole adventure started because my friend Heather (a.k.a Bebe), who is a PA, verbally assaulted me for not varying the surface that I run on. You know these medical types, always telling runners that they are going to blow their knees out in ten years. Once (years ago) I even had a doctor tell me that I shouldn't run because it's "bad for your knees". Maybe they're right but the alternative for me is being a couch potato so I'm going to stick with running, thanks. Anyway, while running on my usual trail I spied a very inviting dirt trail that appeared to travel parallel to the paved one. At the same time, there was a guy in my area that I couldn't seem to lose. Normally people pass me and I never see them again, I tell myself this is because they end at one of the trail heads while I keep going. Anyway, the combination of losing this guy and telling Bebe that I ran on dirt practically made the decision for me. I veered off into the unknown! I was having so much fun and feeling so good that I forgot about my walk breaks, I hoped that I wouldn't regret this daydreaming at mile 7. The dirt trail met up with the paved one and I was at a crossroads. Of course Frost was in my mind telling me to take the path less traveled. The only problem was that there was a steep muddy embankment to travel down and a river to ford. On the plus side someone had strategically placed rocks as a make-shift bridge and there was a stick going over the quagmire of muck. I went for it! I tip-toed around the muddiest parts, hanging onto trees (the stick sunk when I stepped on it) and got to the river. Now, I have crossed many a river in my days of hiking, and the trick is to make sure the rocks are stable before you put all of your weight on them. It was a success! I was over the river! I was having a blast. Unfortunately, near one road crossing the path merged with the macadam once again. This is where I realized that it is much faster to shuffle on pavement than dirt. duh
It was around mile 3 something or other that I really had to pee. I just couldn't hold it. Back to my hiking experience, I have no problem going to the bathroom in the woods, what did concern me was that a fellow jogger or cyclist would wander by. The tree cover is not that great yet and visibility is pretty good. But, there was no way I could hold it for another 4 miles until I got back to the bathrooms in the park. I walked way into the woods and found a fallen tree with another tree in front of it which seemed to provide good coverage. I did my business and was back on the trail jogging in record time. This is when I realized that I had a stupid mosquito bite! That's what I get for peeing in the woods.
I became a little sluggish at mile 5 but my GU perked me right up. The trail was getting fairly crowed and I had two different runners tell me "good job" which I found a little strange. Not bad, just weird. On the way back I debated not taking the dirt trail. I was getting tired and didn't feel like dealing with any surprises. Ultimately I chose to go back the exact way I came; basically because I did not want to mess with my mileage. I had already stopped my watch on the pee break and forgot to start it again for like 5 minutes. I was mentally somewhere in la la land when I TRIPPED. It happened so fast but for some reason the thought that I could not fall on my knees popped into my head. I put my heads down and somehow sprung off of them to roll onto my butt. Crisis averted due to my awesome stuntman-like skills. In reality I most likely appeared to be a weirdo rolling in the dirt. I want to say that my fall was due to a rock but I think I really just stumbled from poor shuffling. Whatever the reason I came away unscathed and was back to the river which I crossed like a pro.
My run was sadly coming to an end. I felt great the entire time. I guess all of the swimming and scaling back my mileage due to vacation really helped. I felt like saying I did an "easy" 10 miles. It was not until my run was almost over that I pushed some buttons on my watch and realized that I had gone faster than the last time I did 10. I was shocked. I ended up going an entire 10 minutes faster! That just made the run even better. What a blessing to run an easy 10 on a beautiful day!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Tough Start
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Monday, May 10, 2010
Slackin off
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Sunday, May 9, 2010
Back from vacay & back to real running
Yesterday, our flight landed in the evening and by the time we picked up LG from NYC it was way to late to run. Therefore, today was my first real run in over a week. I planned to do an easy 6, just to get back into the swing of things. It was a little awkward at first, I should say more awkward than usual he he, but then I found my shuffle stride and felt great. My body felt very strong in fact. All of the swimming and hills strengthened some key muscles I guess. I feel like my form was better as well. My knee was a little sore on the side but not wobbly or weak at all which was great. I can deal with sore but not unstable! All in all my run was a great way to combat the back from vacay blues. The woods were beautiful and changed so much in a week. In addition, it was nice to be back in some wild weather. Everyday was perfect in St. Martin, even when it rained it was only for 10 minutes. Today was insanely windy and the sky was enveloped in cloud cover. It made things more interesting. I felt good at the end but I'm glad I didn't push myself yet. Plus, we had nothing to eat for breakfast and no GU's but I did find an old LARA bar which I ate some of after the 3 mile mark. It gave me a good energy boost and seemed to sit well in my stomach.
Soon to be posted: vacay pictures!
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Saturday, May 1, 2010
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Thursday, April 29, 2010
vacay is upon us & an easy 6
This week I am supposed to do 11-12 miles for my long run. The problem is that we will be flying out early Saturday and I can't see myself running around a foreign island for 11 miles. I had originally planned on doing the long run today. I think I already wrote about this right? Anyway I had a normal work day, up at 3:15 am and doing a lot of lifting and physical work, ect. Plus, my wobbley knee is still unsteady! Who knows what this is? There is no pain, it just feel wobbly, weak, or unsteady. If I wear an ACE brace/bandage I am fine. weird. After my dad read about the knee on the other post he asked, "what the heck does a wobbley knee mean"? I honestly have no idea! It's just the word that pops into my head when I think about what my knee feels like feels like. Sorry. Anyway, I decided that I didn't want to do anything stupid and wobble my knee worse so I voted for a nice easy 6 mile run. It was great! who thought that almost 2 months ago I would be going for a fun 6 miles. The weather was perfect and it was super easy. I had to wear my ACE buddy and of course by the end my other knee was sore. Oddly enough the original wobbley knee (left) isn't wobbley anymore, just sore. Now I know why people take ice baths after they run! I have been icing every few hours when I am home so hopefully it will be fine for the trip. I am looking forward to getting in a few short runs, lots of swimming, reading, sleeping, eating, and relaxing on vacay! This may be the last post for a while. My phone will most likely not work on the island. James' phone will so maybe I will give a quick update.
spring tree
Here is that same tree from "signs of spring & seven miles". Look at all of the leaves!
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This is part of the trail the I shuffle on. The lighting was terrible and the picture is awkward since it was taken quickly from my phone but you get the idea
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerryTuesday, April 27, 2010
busy busy!
I did yoga abs and Mrytle today.
I think I may have runner's knee. It feels like my knee is weak. Previously, I had been wearing an ACE knee bandage at work when I knew I was going to be lifting all day or on the latter. I forgot to wear it last week on an especially difficult day and since then it has been weird. I'm just going to ice it, wrap it, and probably only do an easy 8 miles Thursday. I have to do my long run Thursday becuase of vacay. No time to proof read or anything. Hope this makes some sense!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
week 7 recap
April 19 - 25
Monday: 30 minute. Due to my schedule I literally had no time for anything other than 30 minutes of running. I didn't even have time for a warm-up or cool down.
Tuesday: I went to visit awesome friend Jen and here precious bebes! They live about an hour away which means that I didn't get home until 7 p.m. I still had to get lunch and clothes ready for work and spend some quality time with the hubby and therefore didn't XT. There are no excuses for not cross-training but I'm not upset about it since this never happens. I did dance to songs on Yo Gabba Gabba with a toddler, is that a form of XT?
Wednesday: 40 minutes total (30 running). It was a great day. There were rumblings of thunder, crazy storm clouds, and the air felt electric. What a great day to be a runner.
Thursday: Happy Earth Day!!! My mom would sometimes take this day off of work because it was a special day. I grew up with motto "Earth Day is everyday"
Yoga Abs & Mrytle
Friday: Rest Day! it's funny because when I started training I hated taking a rest day. Now I feel like I need it.
Saturday: 10 miles!! total time 2:27 hours
Sunday: Yoga Abs, Mrytle, and shopping! wait, does walking around retail stores for hours count as XT?
This week started poorly. My husband and I made lots of poor food choices on Monday. It's still hard for me to not eat junk when he brings it home. I think it was easier when I wasn't training. Now I'm so tired all of the time I will just eat anything. Luckily the rest of the week was better. After my initial weight loss I have just hit this plateau where I eat too much or too little. I wasn't concerned about what I ate in the beginning because I wanted training to be my main focus. I think after vacay next week I will try to plan my meals better. I still 16.2 pounds. How crazy is that? You would think I would have lost a little more after I ran 10 miles yesterday!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
10 miles!
10 miles
Start: 7:55 a.m. Finish: 10:22 a.m.
Total: 2:27 hours
I started off feeling good except for my wobbly knee and this caused me to not be so great mentally. I kept thinking that my knee was going to wobble out of place and I was going to be stuck somewhere unable to walk. It sounds cheesy but I started up a mantra "I am strong, my body is strong" to bring the focus to something positive. Hey, if mantras work for Kara Goucher maybe they will work for me! About 2 miles into the run I arrived to a really beautiful place in the woods. There were mini fluff balls floating in the breeze and the light was filtering through the trees and dancing on the stream. It looked like a Fairytail Forest and I was content to drink it all in.
Let me clear up any confusion here. I say that I run on "trails" but it is actually a myriad of paved paths that extend for miles in the woods. I would run on dirt paths in the middle of nowhere but I fear that I may become lost. I am not that confident in my navigational abilities and the "map" on my GPS is meerly a line on a screen. Right now the park suits me just fine and I am usually passed by other people on my run.
After miles I finally came to the end of a trail and ended up running on a busy road with no shoulder. This seemed to break up the monotony of the run but after a half mile I was thrilled to be in the woods again.
On a side note, I am in love with my strawberry banana GU. I feel like a GU addict because I crave its sugary goodness and the boost of energy that it brings. I squeeze out every sweet sticky drop!
I was a tad bit annoyed that I stopped the Garmin for a potty break (there is a decent porta john) in the parking lot of one of the trail heads) and I forgot to restart it which messed up my mileage. Luckily, I knew where I had turned around last week at 4:50 miles and was able to deduce that my watch was about .20 miles off. Furthermore, the battery on the Garmin began to die around mile 7 but ended up having enough juice to keep going for the remainder of the run. The face read "low battery enter". It took me about 5 minutes until I realized that I had to press the enter button to clear the message. Duh!
Serious Closing Message:
Up until last weeks run my long runs were something of a lark. I mean, I had my challenges, we all remember "Poncho Princess", but something changes when your mileage increases and you are out there running for hours. Let's face it, at 15 minute miles I was shuffling for almost 2:50 hours today! I don't care how slow I am going, that's a long time. The mental part becomes as hard as the physical part. It is challenging in the beginning to know that I will be out there for such a time, and towards the end I don't even feel my body (which is kinda cool and weird at the same time). There are highs and lows on every run now. I still love running and I have become much more serious about the whole endever. I ran 10 miles today, I am a runner
Friday, April 23, 2010
8, 9 Miles & Gadgets-Oh My!
What is in the box?
YAY! A Garmin!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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Monday, April 19, 2010
Time Flies
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Thursday, April 15, 2010
another week almost gone
I started back up with my yoga abs dvd. My neck is feeling much better so I am trying not to overdo it. Oddly enough, my abs are much stronger now. Although I shake from the effort, I am able to hold all of my poses! The other weird thing that I noticed is that the rest of my body is much stiffer. This may be due to the fact that I haven't been stretching enough after workouts. All in all it feels good to back working on my abs with Rodney Yee
Monday, April 12, 2010
Week 6 Recap
Monday: 30 minute run + 10 minute warm up/cool down. I keep falling short of 3 miles in 30 minutes. Today I ran 2.95 miles in 30 minutes. Ugh! I don't know what I can't just sprint at the end. I guess I am a little nervous about breaking my shuffle, sprinting, and injuring myself. After all, I obviously don't care about my time anyway (How You Doin 15 minute miles!) I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing.
Tuesday: Yoga Abs DVD, short walk with pup. I had to keep it short today because I am going to see Third Eye Blind in a few hours.
Wednesday: 30 minute run + 10 minute warm up/cool down. I went super slow today. My knee is bugging me a little and I just felt like taking it easy.
Thursday: 15 minute walk, Yoga Abs, Mrytle
Friday: Rest Day and Yankee Game!
Saturday: In order to get my long run in today I would have had to wake up at 5 a.m. My other option was to run on Sunday, since I had nothing else planned. I was up late Friday night and decided that I would only run on Saturday if I was feeling "bright eyed and bushy tailed" This was not the case so I ran on Sunday instead of my usual day. I actually did no form of training today. In fact, I ate and sat at a Bridal Shower for the majority of the day! Congrats Monica & Paul!
Sunday: 9 miles! Start: 7:02 a.m. Finish: 9:12 a.m.
I've been doing well this week so I guess I can officially blame my carb overload last week to lack of sleep.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Busy day!
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Thursday, April 8, 2010
Need Sleep
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010
In addition I gave my pup a bath today! He's only 5 pounds and therefore fits nicely in the sink. I love when the weather is warm because I can give him a bath and take him outside to dry instead of torturing him with the blow dryer.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Easter Weekend
My hubby, Me, Trevor (brother), Julia (sister-in-law), Krystal (cousin)
My mom and Gloria (one of her sisters)
Uncle Tony- we celebrated his birthday
Week 5 Recap and Sleep Update
This week was a bit of a mess. By Thursday I was showing full fledged signs of sleep deprivation. For the full info see Background Info: Never Enough Sleep. I have been getting 6 or less hours of sleep for over the past month. Now according to the doctor, some people only need 5-6 hours a night, others need 7-8, I fall into the latter category. Can you tell that I have already had problems with this? I am usually pretty good about catching up on sleep on the weekends or taking a nap during the week but for over a month now I have just been going, going, going and I finally crashed. Early warning signs were the intense starch carb cravings i was having. Of course I think about pizza sometimes but I should have known something was wrong when I actually went out of my way to eat it on a Tuesday, in addition to wanting potatoes and white bread. Later in the week I was literally passing out for a few seconds/minutes at a time and my anxiety was starting to become slightly unmanageable. Not good! Finally, on Thursday I started to have a low grade fever, was barely moving at work, forgetting things, and I even thought I saw my dog run by in the living room in the morning even though he is gated in another room. That's when I knew that I desperately needed sleep. Thursday and Friday I took really long naps and went to bed early. I woke up feeling much better on Saturday and had the best run ever. I slept even more on Sunday and feel like myself again.
Monday: 30 minute run + 10 minute warm-up/cool down. It was really hot out today and I felt like I was going to pass out by the time I returned home. I guess I overheat easily. I am now going to bring water on every run no matter how short!
Tuesday: 40 minute walk. I was feeling super lazy today and could not force myself to do any form of DVD, ab work, or even my beloved Mrytle. I'm lucky I forced myself out of the door for a walk!
Wednesday: 30 minute run + 10 minute warm-up/cool down
Thursday: maybe walked for 15 minutes and slept
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: 8 mile run! I forgot my start and finish times and I accidentally erased them from my Garmin (still working out the kinks) but I believe that I completed my shuffle in 1:52
Sunday: 30 minute walk & Myrtle
Monday: lets not even talk about what I ate today :/
Tuesday: today was even worse! I picked up pizza and garlic knots. oh well, at least I am still shuffling!
Wednesday: doing much better with my food choices. I did have cereal for dinner but that is better than pizza! I wrote this before I ate a box of Cherrio's
I gained a pound this week! Oh well! I don't even know what I ate for the rest of the week but I now know that the food choices in the beginning of the week were due to sleep deprivation.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Signs of Spring and Seven Miles
Please stay for the entire post. At the conclusion of my story you will be treated to my amateur photography skills, as I attempt to capture the first tiny signs of Spring!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Don't Mess With My Routine (3/27)
Its chilly out!
nice run
Today I had a nice run. I'm finally at the point where it is simply fun to run for 30 minutes, even the hilly parts. Everything was working in fine symmetry. Don't get me wrong, I still shuffle and my form is atrocious but I felt strong and at ease. I really pushed myself up the last hill and was not embarrassed of the people gazing as they drove by. Usually, I feel that I must look like some type of female Frankenstein clodding around in running shorts but today I may have passed for someone who was trying to jog. All in all a good day.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Joel Osteen
The air was electrified with positive Christian energy! We had such a wonderful time. I was once again reminded that all things are possible through God and to be hopeful for the future because He is in charge.
Mom and I with Joel (haha)
"A Night of Hope"
Monday, March 29, 2010
Week 4 recap
Monday: 28 minute run + 10 minute warm-up cool down. I miscalculated my turn around time in addition to running back way faster than I went out, thus making the run 2 minutes short. I was over 5 minutes off and had to run around to try to make up some time but still ended up being 2 minutes short. I had an off day.
Tuesday: 30 minutes walking on treadmill, Mrytle, 10 minutes ab work with medicine ball. my neck is out!!
Wednesday: 30 minutes running, just shy of 3 miles + 10 minute warm-up/cool down
Thursday: 30 minute walk, Mrytle, lower ab crunches (neck is still bad), took Guy for a nice walk
Friday: Good Friday. Rest day
Saturday: 7 miles
Start: 7:33 a.m.
Finish: 9:09 a.m.
Its still going to take me forever to finish a marathon!
Sunday: Happy Easter! I am very sad to say that I did no form of workout what so ever. I did not even take my poor pup on a walk. I am very dissapointed in myself and will never let this happen again
lbs: 116.2 (I cheated and weighed myself Saturday in preperation of the upcoming festivites)
Thighs: 20.5
Hips: 31
Waist: 25
As you can see I have lost at least an inch from every measuremnt: thighs, hips, and waist. Pretty awesome!
Monday: wow what can I even say about today. I didn't sleep well and 3am came all too quickly. I ate Doritos before I ran and I am going to have a bagel for dinner. Oh well, tomorrow is another day
Tuesday: still not doing so great today. I had a few cookies but I was running around all day at work so I think that I needed the sugar. I don't feel like putting any type of meal together so your guess is as good as mine as to what my dinner will be.Wednesday: I possibly ate half a box of Cheerios! I seriously have a problem with cereal. NO more cereal in the house!
Thursday: I am back on track. My poor husband went to have cereal for a snack and was like, "wow, you really did eat the whole box" I told him I have a cereal addiction!
Friday: GOOD FRIDAY this is one of the most special times of the year and I eat very minimally so I have extra time to reflect on the meaning of this day.
Saturday: no problem eating well during the day. My long run works like magic controlling what I want to eat. I always crave good healthy foods in small portions. It's the nighttime that I have to watch out for! We went to dinner at Carmine's in the city. We had a great time catching up with friends and loading up on carbs. I did walk around the city in heels so maybe I burned some extra calories. I know I have good leg muscles though, because walking for that length of time wasn't even a problem.
Sunday: HAPPY EASTER of course I ate a ton of mashed potatoes, eggplant parm, bread, and several other variates of carbs. I had a great day spending time with my family and calories do not count on Holidays, its a fact based on scientific evidence.
Doritos- yuck!
me, "yeah I had a moment of insanity"
Let this be a lesson to all who become possessed by the junk food monster. Don't do it! Or at least wait until after your workout hehe
I seriously just contemplated not running. I bought some snacks for my employees since we have a tough day of work tomorrow. Among the snacks was a bag of Doritos which I opened and ate in the car! Then I decided that I shouldn't run because if I did I would vomit Doritos (eewww). Never fear, I am now home about to change into my running clothes and head out the door. Remind me not to eat Doritos and think about NOT running again.
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Sunday, March 28, 2010
6 miles
Thursday, March 25, 2010
hair cut
I went for a 20 minute walk in addition to completing my yoga abs DVD and Mrytle routine. I think that I feel asleep for a few moments during the relaxation part at the end of the yoga DVD. I have to catch up on sleep this weekend. I am feeling pretty great. I'm tired but it's that good tired feeling from working really hard. I feel like I am getting stronger.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
10 minute miles
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
another day
I had a pretty tough physical day at work, and all I could think about was taking a nap when I came home. I went to take my dog out and ended up passing out for 15 minutes on the bed hehe. Sleep is always a problem! I felt better after my nap, took the dog out and did some XT. I had a few episodes of LOST to catch up on so I walked for 15 minutes on the treadmill then I did my MYRTLE routine (i really love this). I was feeling lazy after that but I put in my trusty Rodney Yee yoga for abs DVD. Suprisingly, I felt rejuvenated upon finishing the relaxing breathing end part (the technical term for this is escaping me at the moment). Off to do some chores, cook, eat, and probably fall asleep before LOST- good thing for DVR.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Week 3 Recap:
I am combining my Training and Health/Weight loss recaps into one post.
Monday: 30 minute run plus 10 minute warm-up/cool down
Tuesday: 15 minute walk on the treadmill, Mrytle, and yoga abs DVD
Wednesday: 30 minute run + 10 minute warm-up/cool down. I completed 3 miles in 30 minutes.
Thursday: 20 minute walk, yoga abs DVD, Mrytle routine
Friday: rest day
Saturday: 6 miles in 1/12 hours. 15 minute miles
Sunday: 40 minute walk with my hubby, Mrytle
Overall I feel stronger and more confident. I am more agile and can move with greater ease in all daily tasks. I even sleep like a log! I am normally a very light sleeper but now when my head hits the pillow I am down for the count. It is amazing how you can change your body in as little as 3 weeks. I felt tired this week but it was the good tired feeling that one gets from working hard. I had an abundance of energy this weekend. I cannot believe how much I have been accomplishing during the week and on weekends. I even clean more often! My previous motto was "You only clean if you are planning on entertaining or if it is visibly dirty" Now I just clean for the sake of keeping this clean.
Tuesday: I forgot to bring my banana to work and that made me want to punch someone in the face. Not really, but I look forward to eating my banana since I only have liquids for breakfast. Seriously, who could eat a solid breakfast at 3:45 a.m.? I was fine though and wasn't even hungry. I will probably just have the same dinner as last night. I was going to make raw veggie "spaghetti" but I'm too lazy to learn how to use the mandolin slicer
I am down about a pound which seems about right. I know that I have been eating great and working out so I am not concerned with the scale anymore. My clothes fit much better and I cannot wait to take my measurements next. I basically ate the same things all week , lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I have reverted back to a book by Natalia Rose which is about transitioning to raw food. While I never plan on being a full raw foodist, her philosophy works really well for me. I feel best physically and emotionally when I am eating good foods. I had no problem eating well. Monday through Friday was easy, the only junk I had was a few pieces of chocolate and half of a bagel with butter. Saturday and Sunday are a little harder. My husband and I had already plannned on getting pizza for lunch on Saturday but I ended up feeling so stuffed after eating 2 slices and several garlic knots that I didn't want anything for dinner. Sunday is a different matter. It's a XT day so I only walked for 40 minutes and I have a bunch of chores and stuff to do around the house and therefore I end up "snacking" on stuff all day. It's not really bad stuff just lots of cereal, ww bread, etc. I knew I should not have let my husband get the cereal! I'm a ceral addict!
After 3 weeks I can really feel the difference when I eat well and when I don't. I usually just plan my meals for Monday - Friday but I am going to have to give some consideration to my weekend meals. Like I said before, I'm not going to deprive myself of any foods that I really want. I find though, that on the weekends I would prefer healthy foods I just haven't prepped anything, feel lazy, and grab whatever is conveniant.
April Showers
I think rain should be this month's theme. The weather has been amazing lately and as a result I decided to bring my running clothes to work and hit the park on my way home. Of course it starts pouring rain in the morning! The temps were in the low 50's and the clothes I packed were good enough for the weather. It's not like I have a rain jacket anyway. I was a little bummed that I didn't have a hat but I hoped that the trees would offer some form of coverage. It was pouring on my drive home but when I arrived to the park it was only misting. I decided that I was going to try to push myself more on my short runs. I seemed to be going faster but I was on a new route so I can't be positive. At one point the trail is marked and I did a 10 minute mile. I cannot wait for the day that I get a Garmin! I was super tired when I got home and took a nap for an hour. I normally try to catch up on sleep on the weekends but I had so many festivities to partake in that I didn't get any extra sleep. Oh well!